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Version 6.0 firmware: where is Call Connect Mode?


In the Dialogic® 1000 Media Gateway Series (DMG1000) and Dialogic® 2000 Media Gateway Series (DMG2000) firmware versions prior to 6.0 there is an option 'Call Connect Mode' that allows the user to specify whether the SIP side of a VoIP to TDM call connects immediately (setting: Instant) or, instead, only after the TDM side of the call is connected (setting: OnAnswer).

This option has been enhanced and moved in version 6.0 firmware.


In the version 6.0 firmware, 'Call Connect Mode' has been enhanced and renamed to 'RFC 3960 Early Media Support'; it has also moved to the VoIP -> Media menu.

If 'RFC 3960 Early Media Support' is set to 'none', the SIP call will be connected only when the TDM call has been answered. This is equivalent to the 'OnAnswer' option in previous versions.   With this option, the calling user will not hear the TDM ringback and busy tones on the SIP side of the call.

The 'Always' setting is equivalent to the setting 'Instant' in previous firmware versions. With this setting the VoIP side of the call will be connected immediately, while the TDM side is still trying to connect.  In this case, the calling user will hear the TDM ringback and busy tones on the SIP side of the call. The SIP call will be successful even though the called phone on the TDM side might be busy or remain unanswered. Error conditions such as busy or no answer will not be reported on the SIP side. This is also known as the 'RFC3960 Gateway Model'.

In the version 6.0 firmware, there is a third option: 'OnDemand'. With this setting, the SIP application can decide on a call-by-call basis whether early media should be enabled or not. In order to achieve this, the SIP application needs to add the 'early-session' tag to the SIP INVITE if early media should be enabled for this call. This is also known as the 'RFC3960 Application Model'.

Product List

Dialogic® 1000 Media Gateway Series and Dialogic® 2000 Media Gateway Series with version 6.0 firmware.



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First published: 05-Sep-2008
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