Associate Chan Group


SwitchKit API message


Use the SK_AssociateChanGroup message to associate a ChannelGroup with specified channels. SK_AssociateChanGroup commands are cumulative. To build a non-contiguous channel group, issue multiple commands. Furthermore, as long as the Low-Level Communicator (LLC) is running, the channel groups are in force. It is recommended that in your configuration files, you have a SK_ClearChanGroup for all the channel groups you intend to use.

Important! In channel management, if an application specifies a channel group that was not configured in LLC using an AssociateChannelGroup, the LLC will create that group and assign no channels to that channel group. When AssociateChannelGroup is sent to the LLC, LLC will add the specified channels to that group.

If sent by SwitchManager, and SK_AssociateChanGroup includes any signaling channels (D Channel, Link or R2 signaling channel), SwitchManager will exclude those channels from that group.

In case an application is responsible for building the groups of channels, the application must call the function sk_associateChannelGroup(). That function then uses the message to create the specified groups.

Sent by

SwitchManager or Application



ChannelGroup = quoted string,

range = startSpan:startChannel - endSpan:endChannel);

C Structure

typedef struct {

unsigned short StartSpan;

unsigned short EndSpan;

UBYTE StartChannel;

UBYTE EndChannel;

char ChannelGroup[45];

} SK_AssociateChanGroup;

C++ Class

class SKC_AssociateChanGroup : public SKC_AdminMessage {


unsigned short getStartSpan() const;

void setStartSpan(unsigned short x);

unsigned short getEndSpan() const;

void setEndSpan(unsigned short x);

UBYTE getStartChannel() const;

void setStartChannel(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getEndChannel() const;

void setEndChannel(UBYTE x);

const char *getChannelGroup() const;

void setChannelGroup(const char *x);



The following is an example of AssociateChanGroup for Group Name "all", with a range of span 0/channel 0 - span 2/channel 23.


groupname = "all",

range = 0:0-2:23);

If span 0/channel 23 were a D Channel, SwitchManager would split the message as follows:


groupname = "all",

range = 0:0-0:22);



groupname = "all",

range = 1:0-2:23);