Redundant App Pool Members Query


SwitchKit API message


Use this message to determine which applications are members of a specific Redundant Application Pool (RAP).

The LLC responds to the original query with the message SK_RedundantAppPoolMembersQueryAck. The response includes a list of application IDs that are currently members of a RAP. The response also indicates which application is the primary application in the pool.

Sent by

Monitoring application or Converged Services Administrator (CSA).


The following table shows the arguments you can modify:




The RedundantAppPoolID is a string that uniquely identifies the class of application wishing to be treated as redundant applications.

Notes: RAP IDs are case sensitive!

C Structure

typedef struct {

char RedundantAppPoolID[32];

} SK_RedundantAppPoolMembersQuery;

C Structure Response

typedef struct {

int Status;

char RedundantAppPoolID[32];

int PrimaryAppName;

int NumAppNames;

int AppNames[10];

} SK_RedundantAppPoolMembersQueryAck;

C++ Class

class SKC_RedundantAppPoolMembersQuery : public SKC_ToolkitMessage {


const char *getRedundantAppPoolID() const;

void setRedundantAppPoolID(const char *x);


C++ Class Response

class SKC_RedundantAppPoolMembersQueryAck : public SKC_ToolkitAck {


int getStatus() const;

void setStatus(int x);

const char *getRedundantAppPoolID() const;

void setRedundantAppPoolID(const char *x);

int getPrimaryAppName() const;

void setPrimaryAppName(int x);

int getNumAppNames() const;

void setNumAppNames(int x);

const int *getAppNames() const;

void setAppNames(const int *x);
