Editing Fields in Configuration File on Solaris SPARC


This procedure describes how to edit fields in the snmpd.cnf file.

Before you begin

Open snmpd.cnf with a text editor.

Editing Fields on Solaris SPARC

Follow the steps below to edit fields in the configuration file on a Solaris SPARC system.

1 Open snmpd.cnf with a text editor.

Using the editor, search for the name of each field you want to change (sysLocation, sysContact, or sysName). You will see an entry that looks similar to one of the following:

# Entry type: sysLocation

# Entry format: octetString

# sysLocation "Concord NH"

# Entry type: sysContact

# Entry format: octetString

# sysContact "Joe Smith"

# Entry type: sysName

# Entry format: octetString

# sysName system_74

In the last line of the entry, type the new information that you want to add. Enter character strings inside quotation marks.

2 Save the snmpd.cnf file.

3 Restart the SNMP daemon by typing the following at the command line:

# ps -ef | grep snmpdm

A message is displayed indicating the process number of the snmpdm. To kill that process from Solaris, type the following:

# kill -9 <process number>

4 Restart the SNMP daemon by typing the following at the command line:

# /etc/srconf/exe/snmpdm&

You do not need to start and stop CSPEventManager and CSPAgent.