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Dialogic® PowerMedia™ Extended Media Server (PowerMedia XMS) - more articles

XMS no longer able to handle calls after changing license

Dialogic® PowerMedia™ Extended Media Server (XMS) becomes unable to handle calls after installing a new license, and always returns "488 Not Acceptable Here" when receiving calls.

Reason for the issue:

When changing the XMS license, for example from a temporary to a permanent license, the license activation is successful and all the services start okay, but XMS does not accept any calls. This is due to the fact that the codecs (as listed in Codecs -> Audio in the Admin Console) are in a disabled state after installing the new license.

This is expected behavior when changing any type of XMS licenses, permanent or temporary. This behavior accounts for an issue where the preferred codec list could contain incorrect information when changing between licenses that had different codecs.

When adding new licenses or changing XMS licenses, enable all the codecs listed under Codecs -> Audio in the Admin Console. Then restart the services to ensure the changes take effect (even though there may not be a prompt to restart services).

Product List:
Dialogic® PowerMedia™ Extended Media Server Release 1.1
Dialogic® PowerMedia™ Extended Media Server Release 2.0


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First published: 17-Apr-2013
Open access: Product rule: open; Page rule: Auto