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Diva LineTest: The call can be established, but in-band tone test failed

Issue  Description:

When using the Dialogic® Diva®  LineTest utility to make an outbound call, the call may fail with the result “The call can be established, but in-band tone test failed”

Issue Cause:

This result is not caused by a defect either on the Diva side or at the called entity.

Most likely the Phone/Loop Line Test feature was used to call a fax end point. This appears in the Diva diagnostic trace as a ‘CONNECT’ followed by an immediate ‘DISCONNECT’.


To call fax enabled end points, use the tab 'Fax' in Diva LineTest

Dialogic® Diva® System Release versions 8.5.x

Dialogic® Diva® Media Boards


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First published: 04-Jan-2010
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