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How to replace the motherboard of a Dialogic?? IMG 1010 Integrated Media Gateway (video)


The motherboard tray of a Dialogic® IMG 1010 Integrated Media Gateway is a field-replaceable item. 

This video shows you how to perform this task.

Procedure / Details:

The following is a summary of the required steps:

- Remove the old motherboard tray from your IMG 1010.

- Remove the VoIP module(s) from the old motherboard. The new motherboard does not include any VoIP modules, so you need to transfer your VoIP module(s) from the old motherboard to the replacement motherboard.

- Install the VoIP modules on the new motherboard.

- Make a note of the MAC address of the CTRL_0 port on the new motherboard.

- Insert new motherboard into IMG 1010 I/O tray.

- Edit /etc/dhcpd.conf and change the MAC address if the IMG boots via BOOTP/FTP. (This step is not required if the IMG 1010 boots from SD card).

Product List:

Dialogic® IMG 1010 Integrated Media Gateway


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First published: 17-Jun-2011
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