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How to change VoIP (SIP and/or RTP) IP addresses on the IMG2020


This article describes how to change the IP addresses used for SIP signalling and/or RTP traffic on the Dialogic® IMG 2020 Integrated Media Gateway (IMG 2020), formerly referred to as Dialogic® BorderNet™ 2020 Session Border Controller. This may also require a change to the IP addresses of the external gateways the IMG 2020 is communicating with.

Change SIP Signalling IP Address:

- Delete all Node Associations under all SIP Channel Group objects that use the old SIP IP address.

- Delete the old SIP IP Address object under BN2020 -> Signaling -> SIP. If your SIP Signaling object is configured for "Multiple IP", you may have more than one SIP IP Address object. Only delete the IP address that you want to change.

- Create a new IP address object under BN2020 -> IP Network -> Logical Interfaces for the new SIP IP address, unless your new SIP IP address is the IMG 2020 management IP address.

- Add a new SIP IP Address object under BN2020 -> Signaling -> SIP and specify the new SIP IP address.

- Add Node Associations, again specifying the new IP SIP address.

- Click on the Channel Groups object and then on the Download Resource Tables button to commit the channel group changes.

- If the old SIP IP address is not being used for any other services, you may delete the IP Address object under BN2020 -> IP Network -> Logical Interfaces, unless your old SIP IP address is the IMG 2020 management IP address.


- This procedure can only be used if your old AND new SIP IP addresses are NOT the IMG 2020 management IP address, i.e., you cannot change the IMG 2020 management IP address with this procedure.

- This procedure will require downtime for SIP calls. SIP calls using the SIP IP address you want to change will not work until the procedure has been completed.

- Make sure you observe IP subnetting restrictions, for example, you cannot use the same IP subnet on different physical IMG 2020 network interfaces. If your SIP and RTP IP addresses are on the same subnet, they MUST be configured on the same physical network interface (e.g., DATA_A).


Change RTP Signalling IP Address:

- Delete all Node Associations under all SIP Channel Group objects that use the old RTP IP address.

- Delete the old Packet Facility object under BN2020 -> Facility -> Packet Facilities. If you have more than one Packet Facility object, only delete the object that you want to change.

- Create a new IP address object under BN2020 -> IP Network -> Logical Interfaces for the new RTP IP address, select 'Media_0' or 'Media_1' as Source Endpoint to make this an RTP IP address.

- Add a new Packet Facility object under BN2020 -> Facility -> Packet Facilities and specify the new RTP IP address.

- Add Node Associations again specifying the new IP RTP address.

- Click on the Channel Groups object and then on the Download Resource Tables button to commit the channel group changes.

- You may delete the old IP Address object used for RTP under BN2020 -> IP Network -> Logical Interfaces.


- This procedure will require downtime for SIP calls. SIP calls using the RTP IP address you want to change will not work until the procedure has been completed.

- Make sure you observe IP subnetting restrictions, for example, you cannot use the same IP subnet on different physical IMG 2020 network interfaces. If your SIP and RTP IP addresses are on the same subnet, they MUST be configured on the same physical network interface (e.g., DATA_A).

Product List:

Dialogic® IMG 2020 Integrated Media Gateway (IMG 2020), formerly referred to as Dialogic® BorderNet™ 2020 Session Border Controller

Related Documentation:

Further information on objects that need to be modified for the above procedures:


Dialogic > BN2020 > IP Network > Logical Interfaces > Logical Interface > IP Address

Dialogic > BN2020 > Facility > Packet Facilities > Packet Facility


Dialogic > BN2020 > Signaling > SIP

Dialogic > BN2020 > Signaling > SIP > SIP IP Address


Dialogic > Routing Configuration > Channel Groups > Channel Group (SIP) > IP Network Element > Node Association


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First published: 24-Sep-2015
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