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Sending SNMP Traps from a Dialogic IMG Integrated Media Gateway

This article describes how to configure Dialogic® IMG Integrated Media Gateways to send SNMP traps. 

Screenshots in this article have been taken from an IMG 1010 but equally apply to the IMG 1004 and IMG 2020, though some features might look differently on the IMG 2020.

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with configuring the IMG 1010, IMG 1004 or IMG 2020 and with using Wireshark to capture Ethernet activity.
Check that the IMG is correctly configured for sending SNMP traps:

1. Configure the SNMP Manager and Agent objects in Clientview (IMG 1010 and IMG 1004) or the WebUI (IMG 2020) as described in the IMG documentation

2. Start a Wireshark capture on the Ethernet connection.

3. Telnet (IMG 1010 and IMG 1004) or ssh (IMG 2020) into the IMG management IP address.  

Enter the advanced debug menu by typing 'd' which prompts for a username/password.

Enter 'admin' and 'password'.

Enter the following commands:
> s
> 0
> t

For help at any stage, enter the 'h' command: 
> h

The screenshot below shows an example where help was requested twice: after the '0' command and after the 't' command:

Enter traps 0,1,2,3 and 4 to generate the test SNMP trap messages:

4. Check that the SNMP traps have been sent by examining the Wireshark capture. 
The following screenshot shows the SNMP messages being sent:

Product List:

Dialogic® IMG 1010 Integrated Media Gateway
Dialogic® IMG 1004 Integrated Media Gateway
Dialogic® IMG 2020 Integrated Media Gateway (IMG 2020), formerly referred to as Dialogic® BorderNet™ 2020 Session Border Controller

Legal Note

This document discusses one or more open source products, systems and/or releases. Dialogic is not responsible for your decision to use open source in connection with Dialogic products (including without limitation those referred to herein), nor is Dialogic responsible for any present or future effects such usage might have, including without limitation effects on your products, your business, or your intellectual property rights.


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First published: 19-Aug-2008
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