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'DisplayIE truncated, too long' message


A message reporting 'DisplayIE truncated, too long' may be displayed in the CLI of the Dialogic® Integrated Media Gateways:
15:06:42.922 SVC(W) IW:DisplayIE truncated, too long
Reason for the issue:

According to ITU.Q.931.4.5.16:
The Display information element has a network dependent default maximum length of 34 or 82 octets. The evolution to a single maximum value of 82 octets is an objective. If a user receives a Display information element with a length exceeding the maximum length which the user can handle, the information element should be truncated by the user. 
Current IMG Gateway software supports a maximum length of 34 octet of Display IE. If the IMG Gateway receives a Display IE with a length exceeding the 34 octets, it will truncate the Display IE and display the warning in the CLI.

Here is an example of incoming ISDN SETUP with 52 octets Display IE (28 32 ....):
09:29:55.286 ISDN(I) 06d5 00 R 00 00 0 04 04 0
060 SETUP 0002
09:29:55.286 ISDN(I) 000108080802000205a104038090a31803a983822832313233343536
09:29:55.286 CALL(ISD) (00:00015:00) RCVD Setup from Network
09:29:55.286 CALL(SS7) (00:00015:00) Leg 0 associated with LTS(322)(span 6 chan
09:29:55.286 CALL(ISD) (00:00015:00) SENT Setup Ind to L4
09:29:55.286 CALL(ISD) (00:00015:00) SENT Call Proceeding to Network
09:29:55.286 CALL(L4) (00:00015:00) RCVD Setup Ind from ISDN
09:29:55.286 SVC(W) IW:DisplayIE truncated, too long

Product List

Dialogic® IMG 1010 Integrated Media Gateway
Dialogic® IMG 1004 Integrated Media Gateway
Dialogic® IMG 2020 Integrated Media Gateway (IMG 2020), formerly referred to as Dialogic® BorderNet™ 2020 Session Border Controller

Glossary of Acronyms / Terms

IE - Information Element

Related Documentation

ITU-T Recommendation Q.931 (05/98), ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification for basic call control


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First published: 21-Apr-2009
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