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PowerMedia XMS VXML VoiceMail Demo - How to record a message and play it back using VXML


This article showcases using the VXML scripting language to record a message and playback the recorded message on Dialogic® PowerMedia™ Extended Media Server (XMS). 


This demo script file was tested on PowerMedia XMS version 2.2.6338 using the Kapanga SIP Softphone as the User Agent (UA). This script can be placed locally on the PowerMedia XMS server location (such as  /var/lib/xms/vxml/www/vxml) or remote on a file server that is accessible to PowerMedia XMS.

The SIP Client calling URI to the PowerMedia XMS system should follow this format:

(a) If the VXML script is located on the actual PowerMedia XMS system, the SIP URI would look like the following:

dialog@<xms_ipaddess>;voicexml=file:///<script file location>/VoiceMail.vxml

(b) If the VXML script is located on a remote file server, the SIP URI would look like the following:

dialog@<xms_ipaddess>;voicexml=http://<remote file server ip_address>/<script file location>/VoiceMail.vxml


VXML Script Overview 

This script demo currently has the following functionality

  • Plays an introduction menu of choices.
    • If NO INPUT - play noinput.wav and go to introduction message
    • If NO MATCH - play nomtach.wav and go to introduction message
  • PRESS 1: Plays an audio greeting file go to MAIN MENU
  • PRESS 2: Plays intro-record message and record caller for 10 seconds then plays back voice message 
    • If NO INPUT - play noinput.wav and go to introduction message
    • PRESS 3: Plays a 'goodbye' message and disconnects the caller
Please note that the *.wav files are installed as part of the PowerMedia XMS install process. 

Script File Call Flow Diagram  

(click to enlarge)

The VMXL script file is called VoiceMail.vxml and is attached to this article and included in the text below with comments.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* @author (C) Copyright 2014 Dialogic Inc. All rights reserved.
* Record and Play a Message Demo script for the PowerMedia XMS
<vxml version="2.0" xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US">
Within this menu dialog we will play a main menu prompt (main_menu.wav) that asks the caller (user input) to enter a menu choice of the following:
- DTMF 1: Play an greeting audio file - greeting.wav
- DTMF 2: Record a message and play it back - VoiceMessage.msg
- DTMF 3: Play a goodbye message and hang up - Goodbye.wav 
Should the caller provide NO INPUT, this form dialog will play a prompt of no input (nomatch.wav) and return to the main menu dialog (MAIN MENU).
Should the caller provide a NO MATCH, this form dialog will play a prompt of no match (nomatch.wav) and return to the main menu dialog (MAIN MENU).
<menu id="main_menu" dtmf="false">
<prompt xml:lang="en-US">
<audio src="file:///var/lib/xms/media/en-US/vxml/main_menu.wav"/>

<choice dtmf="1" next="#play_audio"/>
<choice dtmf="2" next="#record_message"/>
<choice dtmf="3" next="#goodbye"/>
<prompt xml:lang="en-US">
<audio src="file:///var/lib/xms/media/en-US/generic/audio/nomatch.wav"/>
<goto next="#main_menu"/>
<prompt xml:lang="en-US">
<audio src="file:///var/lib/xms/media/en-US/generic/audio/nomatch.wav"/>
<goto next="#main_menu"/>

The caller (user input) has pressed DTMF 1.  
This form dialog will play a simple greeting prompt (greeting.wav) and return to the main menu dialog (MAIN MENU).
<form id="play_audio">
<prompt xml:lang="en-US">
<audio src="file:///var/lib/xms/media/en-US/vxml/greeting.wav"/>
<goto next="#main_menu"/>

The caller (user input) has pressed DTMF 2.  Within this form dialog we will play a recording intro (record_intro.wav), requesting the user to start a recording at the beep.
- Should the caller provide NO INPUT, this form dialog will play a prompt of no input (nomatch.wav) and return to the main menu dialog (MAIN MENU).
- Should the caller provide INPUT, this form dialog will first play a replay introduction prompt (replay_intro.wav) and then fill (record) the caller input to the record buffer (voiceMessage). Next this form dialog will replay the recorded buffer (voiceMessage) and return to the main menu dialog (MAIN MENU).
NOTE: The %language%/recorded directory specified path is within the XMS configuration under Media, Media Configuration
<form id="record_message">
<record name="voiceMessage"
<prompt xml:lang="en-US">
<audio src="file:///var/lib/xms/media/en-US/vxml/record_intro.wav"/>
<prompt xml:lang="en-US">
<audio src="file:///var/lib/xms/media/en-US/generic/audio/nomatch.wav"/>
<goto next="#main_menu"/>
<prompt xml:lang="en-US"> <!-- Play the voiceMessage buffer -->
<audio src="file:///var/lib/xms/media/en-US/vxml/replay_intro.wav"/>
<audio expr="voiceMessage"/>
<goto next="#main_menu"/>
<!-- PRESS "3" - HANGUP
The caller (user input) has pressed DTMF 3.
This form dialog will play a simple goodbye prompt (goodbye.wav) that will complete the document,
which will end the call.
<form id="goodbye">
<prompt xml:lang="en-US">
<audio src="file:///var/lib/xms/media/en-US/vxml/goodbye.wav"/>


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First published: 09-May-2014
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